Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Outside Reading 8
By Stephenie Meyer
I started reading the book Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer and I'm already on page 267. I like this book so much I read it every night for about 3 hours, sometimes 4 hours. This book is the third book of the Twilight series and so far it is my favorite of the 3 I have read. So far in this book Bella is trying to manage dating Edward while still remaining friends with Jacob, but it is hard because Edward is a vampire and Jacob is a werewolf and those to creatures are swore enemies. At first Jacob would not talk to Bella because she had choosen Edward over him but then he realized that he could deal with just being friends for a while, and Edward finally agreed that it was not dangerous for Bella to be around Jacob so he let her go to visit him. If I was not doing this right now then I would be reading.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Outside Reading 7
By Stephenie Meyer
I finally finished reading the book New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. I really like the way the book ended because everything was put back together and all the worries and bad things that happened were fixed, but at the same time it leaves you with so many unanswered questions and cliff hangers. This book was amazing and I am so excited to see how they turn it into a movie, even though I know that won't be for a long time. In the last 300 pages or so a lot happened. First Jacob was started to act really weird, then when he wouldnt even return Bella's phone calls she finally decided to go to visit him even if he didnt want her there. Jacob could not explain to her what was going on because he was not allowed to tell anyone so he told Bella to figure it out on her own. When Bella did figure it out she rushed over to see Jacob and found that she was right. Jacob had become a werewolf. In the very end Edward returns home after a huge adventure that I think anyone would enjoy reading.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Outside Reading 6
By Stephenie Meyer
I am reading the book New Moon by Stephenie Meyer and I am now on page 201. All of my friends that have read this books have told me that New Moon is the worst in the series but I don't think so, so far. I really like it even thought Edward is gone and Bella is sad I think it is still exciting and entertaining. Bella has just become really great friends with a boy named Jacob that she has known since she was little, and although she knows that Jacob likes her, Bella just thinks of him as her brother and sometimes wishes he was. Edward had made Bella promise not to do anything reckless or stupid while he was gone but Bella found that when she did she could her his voice in her head and she wanted more of that. I hear the voice again Bella bought two motorcyles and asked Jacob to fix them up for her. Then the two of them rode the motorcyles and soon enough Bella could her Edwards voice like he was right there with her. I'm excited to see what she will do next.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Outside Reading 5
By Stephenie Meyer
I just started reading the book New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. This book is the second book in the Twilight series. New Moon is 563 pages long and I have never read a book that long before. The part i just finished reading was really sad and it made me cry. I have never cried from a book before but these books just make you feel like your inside of them. In the part that I've read so far the main character Bella is perfectly happy with her life and wants Edward in it always and forever, but then suddenly Edward tells her he has to leave and him and his family take of and Bella is never going to see them again. Edward was the only one to actually say goodbye to Bella because he thought that with the rest of his family a 'clean break' would be best. I can not wait to find out what happens next.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Outside Reading 4
By Stephenie Meyer
I finally finished reading the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I think I read this book faster then I've ever read a book in my life. I read about 300 pages in one day because I wanted to finish it before I saw the movie. I love this book and I am so glad I read it. I can not wait until I go buy the second book so I can start reading it. I think this book has something that anyone and everyone would enjoy. Twilight has adventure, romance, supense, mystery, fantansy, and much much more. Because of that I would recommend this book to everyone. Even my mom started reading Twilight.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Outside Reading 3
By Stephenie Meyer
I read a lot more of the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. This book is 498 pages long. I usually don't like to read that long of books but this book is different because it is so good. I am trying to finish this book before the movie comes out on friday but I am a slow reader so I dont know if I will be able to. In the part that I recently read Bella finally becomes closer with Edward. They are basically the two main characters. Bella knows that Edward is hidding something but she can't figure out what it is until she meets a boy named Jacob. Jacob tells Bella that people in his family believe Edwards family, the Cullens, are vampires. Bella does not want to think abot this though because if she does she will get lost in her thoughts and won't be able to think about anything else. I really, really like this book so far and I can't wait to read more. If I wasn't doing this right now I would be reading it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Outside Reading 2
By Stephenie Meyer
I just started reading the book Twilight again by Stephenie Meyer. I stopped reading this book a while ago because I had a nother book that came out that I wanted to read but now I have time to read it and so far i really like it. I think the theme in this book is that their are two sides to every story. I think that this is the theme because one character named Jacob thinks that he is the good guy but another character named Edward is the bad one but Edward thinks the opposite. I think that anyone would like this book no matter what kind of books you like because it has a little bit of everything. This book has mystery, romance, fantasy, and much much more. I would recommend this book to people because it has something for everyone and it makes you want to keep reading and reading and never put the book down.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Outside Reading 1
By: Lauren Barnholdt
I am almost done with the book Twp-Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt. In the part I just read the two main characters had finally arrived at their college and their road trip had ended. Courtney had just found out that Jordan had kept a huge secret from her for the past 6 months and now Jordan is worried he will never see Courtney again now that they are at college and shes mad at him. I think the theme of these chapters is that you should tell people things right away and not hide it because it can make things much worse. I really like this book because it is exciting and you never know what is going to happen next. I only have about 20 pages left in this book and I think the two characters are going to get back together but I don't know how the author can make that happen in just 20 pages, but I hope she does. I would recommend this book to a lot of people because I really like it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Outside Reading 10
By: Lauren Barnholdt
I read a lot more of the book Two-Way Street by Lauren Barnhodlt. I like this book a lot but sometimes it is confusing. This book is confusing because it is told in two different point of views and because it goes back and forth in time. This book is excited but frustrating because right when something exciting is happening in the past the chapter will end and the next chapter will be of the future again. I think the theme of this book is that you never know if you truely want something until you have it. I think this because one of the main characters Courtney always wanted to be with her best friend Lloyd, but when is finally is she realizes that it isnt what she thought it would be. Although this book is confusing sometimes and frustrating I still really like it and would recomend it for people to read.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Outisde Reading 9
By: Jess Weiner
For this outside reading I found an article in Seventenn magazine called Body Peace, by Jess Weiner. This article was all about making yourself look good, and dress well no matter what shape or size you are. In this article it says you don't need to change your body to look good. I think the theme of this artice is to be happy with who you are and never change yourself. In this article it says, "No matter what your shape, everyone has struggled to find a sliver of peace..." This quote is basically saying that you shouldnt worry about things so much because most of the time everyone else is going through the same thing. At the end of this article it says that everyone deserves to look good and feel great.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Outside Reading 8
By: Lauren Barnholdt
I read a few more chapters of the book Two-Way Street, by Lauren Barnholdt. In these chapters the two main characters start their road trip together and they are not having fun. When Courtneys ex-boyfriend, Jordan, broke up with her he told her it was because of another girl that he met on the internet, but in these chapters you find out that he lied. I think the theme of this book is that some people dont always say what they mean, but they usually have a good reason to not tell the truth. I am liking this book more and more with every page I read because every page there is a different twist or turn, and you find out new things about the characters all the time. I am still not very far in this book so I don't know too much about it yet but I will read more and write more for my next blog post.
Movie/Television heros
For my heroes in a box project I choose to do Movie/Television Heros. These heroes are people that a lot of people know who they are, and also look up to them. I think the qualities of television or movie heros is someone that helps others, goes on some kind of adventure, and has some kind of goal they need to accomplish.
Top 10 Movie Heroes
1. Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) "Schindler's List" (Stephen Spielberg, 1993)
2. Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck) "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Robert Mulligan, 1962)
3. Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) "Aliens" (James Cameron, 1986)
4. Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (Stephen Spielberg, 1981)
5. Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) "The Bourne Ultimatum" (Paul Greengrass, 2007)
6. Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), ''Dirty Harry'' (Don Siegel, 1971)
7. Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) "Spartacus" (Stanley Kubrick, 1960)
8. Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) "The Silence of the Lambs" (Jonathan Demme, 1991)
9. James Bond (Sean Connery) "Dr No." (Terence Young, 1962)
10. Neo (Keanu Reeves) "The Matrix" (Andy & Larry Wachowski, 1999)
This is the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird', it is also a movie and the hero in this movie is Atticus Finch, who is on the list of the top ten movie heroes. From this artifact I realized that movie or television heroes do not have to be a spy or go on dangerous adventures, or anything like that to be a hero. Atticus Finch is a lawyer that helps anyone that he can, and that is what makes him a hero.
This video is from the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. I choose this because it represents the adventures that the television portrays heroes to go on all the time. This type of hero is most common in most television shows and movies. In this film Indiana Jones is the hero and goes on an adventure and I learned that heroes can make mistakes, not everyone is perfect, so not every hero is perfect.
This image is of the television show Heroes. This show is about a lot of different types of heros with different powers and abilities and trying to deal with them. This show taught me that not every hero wants to be a hero, or wants to have their powers/abitities.
When searching on line for how the internet portrays heroes I found this quote. This quote taught me that even if heros don't want their power, or haven't yet figured out who they are, they still will do whatever they can to help others and to fix bad situations. I think this quote is true for all heroes, and if its not then they are not really a hero.
When I researched Movie/Television heroes on the computer I found that there are basically to different types. The first type of movie/television heroes is the kind that goes on danagerous/thrilling adventures like Indiana Jones or has a special ability or power that make them a hero like the characters in the television show Heroes. The second type of movie/television heroes that I found was the type that has no ability, no powers, and doesnt even go on adventures, but they still help people in anyway they can and are a figure that many people look up to like Atticus Finch from the film, 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' I also found that television and movie heroes are people that do good things all of the time and try to help make things better no matter what they have to do.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Outside Reading 7
By: Lauren Barnholdt
I just started reading the book Two-Way Street by Lauren Barnhodlt. I like this book so far even though I'm not very far yet. It is about a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend and now she is forced to go on a road trip to college they planned when they were dating. I think the theme of this book is that no matter how much you tell yourself something, your heart knows the truth. This basically means you should listen to your hearts most of the time, and not your mind. I also think this book is interesting because it is told in two different points of views. Half of the chapters are told in the girl, Courtneys point of view, and the other half of the chapters are told by her ex-boyfriend, Jordan. I don't really have a lot more I can say about this book because i just started it and nothing really big has happened yet.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Outside Reading 6
By: Cheryl Brody
I recently read an article in Comso Girl magazing and it was called 'Death by Texting' and was writen by Cheryl Brody. This articles is about how texting and multitasking do not mix. In the article it says, "doctors from the American College of Emergency Physicians are seeing a rise in injuries and deaths from texting while walking, biking, inline skating, and driving." (Brody 1). I thought this article was interesting becuase almost everyone texts while doing other things and don't even think that they could be putting themselves and others in danger. This article tells a few stories about how texting has hurt people like a 13-year old girl that got first-degree burns on her stomach, legs, and arms while texting her boyfriend as she cooked noddles, and a 16-year old boy that walked into a telephone pole while texting a freind and suffered a concussion. I think the point of this article is to teach everyone to stop texting and multitasking because it is very dangerous and to spread the word to others.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Outside Reading 5
By Kate Brian
I just finished reading the book Last Christmas by Kate Brian. This book is the prequel to the Private series by Kate Brian. I really liked this book because you never know whats going to happen next and something big always happens when you least expect it. This book has many themes or main ideas but i think the most important one came in a quote from the book, "You never know what people are capable of until they're pushed to their edge." (Brain 198). This quote is saying that people can surprise you, and you never know what some people can/will do. I like these books so much that I wish I read them slower because the next book doesnt come out until December and that is a long time to wait. I would recomend these books to everyone.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
outside reading 4
By: Kate Brain
I just started reading The Last Christmas by Kate Brain. This book is the prequel to the series called Private. This book is different from the Private books though because it is not told by the main character. The Last Christmas is in the point of veiw of a girl name Ariana Osgood. Ariana tried to kill the main character in on of the private books, and The Last Christmas explains why. I really like this book so far because it makes you never want to put the book done. I got this book yesterday and i am already on page 72. I think the theme in this book is that there is a reason for everything; a reason why people do what they do and why things are what they are.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Outside Reading 3
By Kate Brain
I just finished reading the book Revelation by Kate Brain. This book is the 8th book in a series called Private.
Reed Brennan goes to a boarding school named Easton, where a girl in her dorm was found to be murdered. In this book Reed spends almost all of her time trying to figure out who killed her, when in the end it turns out to be Reeds best friend. The only person in her dorm the Reed did not put on her list of suspects, was the murderer. Reed discovers that her best friend, Sabine is the sister of the girl that tried to kill her one year ago.
I really like these books because they always have different twists and thing that you never expect. I think the theme of this book is that you need to be careful with who you trust because in the end on page 237 Reed says, "All those months I lived with her. All those months i trusted her with everything. And all that time she was lying to my face." (Brain, 237)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
outside reading number 2
I have read about 50 pages so far
So far this book is about a girl named Bella who moves to a new town to be with her father. At first she is very worried about going to a new school where everyone knows eachother. She does not really like being in the town her father lives because it rains all the time and the weather is colder then shes used to. Bella soon meets a strange boy named Edward and he acts differently towards her everyday that she see's him but Bella can't help being interested in him.
I think Bella teaches us that giving up certain things can be worth it to gain other things, like when she gives up being with her mom, and friends at school to go live with her father in a new town and goes to a new school.
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Outside reading
By Kate Brain
This book is the 8th book in a series called 'Private'. This is book is about a girl that moves from Croton Pennsylvania to a rich boarding school called Easton Academy. The main character Reed Brennan proves that it doesnt matter where you come from or how rich you are to fit in somewhere and find power. But Reed soon learns that secrets can be deadly when a girl in her drom is murdered and Reed is kicked out of the best drom on campus because everyone thinks it was her. Now its up to Reed to find out who the real killer is and fast because they are still out there on campus somewhere. I like these books a lot because it makes you want to keep reading and reading and never stop. I would give these books a 10 out of 10 because they are exciting, entertaining, and fun to read.